The Guitar Magazine – September 2019

(Nandana) #1
might well be the single most important thing that
anyone else ever taught me.”

Anyone who has tried to become virtuosic knows
there are psychological barriers to overcome to
be able to nail it when it matters. Did you have to
overcome those sorts of hurdles?
“I suppose the trick is probably to incorporate the
right kind of mindset into your practice routine and
to work on being able to play things effortlessly while
feeling relatively relaxed. This is very different from
knowing that you’re capable of doing something,
but only if you try extra-hard and apply your
maximum level of concentration: in a real gig
environment, there will always be a million other
distractions, so it’s good to have a little ‘headroom’.”

Do you have plans to update your Charvel signature?
“Honestly, I’ve pretty much run out of things
to request or complain about! Then again, I was
absolutely sure that we were done way back when
the first version of that guitar came out and then,
gradually, a few little additional ideas for the ‘Mark
2’ version started to emerge so... who knows? Now,
though, I really feel like I have the ideal instrument

in terms of being able to cope with all of the different
musical situations I might encounter.”

Can you see another solo album happening, or are
your creative and compositional ambitions best
served up in the context of The Aristocrats?
“I can certainly envisage one happening sooner or
later, but it’s really not my top priority... if and when
it does happen, it’s unlikely to bear a great deal of
resemblance to its predecessor. Erotic Cakes was a
shamelessly guitar-centric offering, whereas these
days, for the most part, I’m really more interested in
music as a whole, as opposed to focusing on guitar
per se. One thing I particularly enjoy about working
in an Aristocratic context is I get to function as part
of a whole band where everyone’s contribution is of
equal importance. I’m also really enjoying my
involvement with Hans Zimmer’s world – both the
live shows and the occasional new movie score – as
that provides an opportunity to explore how guitar
might fit within contexts where it wouldn’t usually
be expected to make an appearance!”

The Aristocrats’ new album, You Know What...? is out now.
Read more from our interview with Guthrie on

ABOVE The Aristocrats
(Guthrie, Bryan Beller and
Marco Minneman) pose for a
group photo with legendary
drummer Simon Phillips



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