The Guitar Magazine – September 2019

(Nandana) #1


Creature features a torrefied alder body, an all-
rosewood neck and two push-button controls for
series operation of the two Lollar Jaguar pickups
as well as a high-pass ‘strangle’ switch. Taking into
account its gold Mastery hardware, matching gold
EVO frets, orange plastic fretboard inlays and
pickguard and subtly sparkled pink finish, Vanessa
calls this “the most ostentatious guitar I own”. No
argument here.
The hard work of design seems to have paid off
for both parties, as it seems that other players have
ordered Creature models of their own. But for
Wheeler, the real benefit here is all about alleviating
her own physical discomfort.
“I have scoliosis and that means my shoulders
are out of whack,” Vanessa explains. “Even carrying
groceries hurts me, I loathe it. That’s why my guitars
are so small and light.”
Thankfully, the guitar she and Creston dreamed
up so far exceeded her expectations that she
immediately ordered another with some minor spec
tweaks. She had plans for a less glitzy instrument in
a different colour, but the loss of a family member
made clear the path to take.


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