Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1
I would describe
a BPD episode
as a moment of
emotional agony.
In those moments,
I am deafened by
my thoughts and
drowning in emotions

concerns. Misunderstandings
about the term ‘personality
disorder’ drive a lot of aggression
toward someone living with BPD,
due to the belief that it is the
person’s own identity that is to
blame for their condition.
People with BPD are sometimes
cast as ‘difficult patients’, and
become the target of frustration
from under-resourced and
overstretched clinical teams. This
rejection and hostility can intensify
the punishing effects of BPD by
confirming the worst fears of the
person living with the condition.
Rosie set out to show that people
with BPD are caring, kind and
loving. She wanted to demonstrate

blog, ‘Talking About BPD’. These
outlets were a way for her to talk
about her life when she felt there
was no other way to communicate
“Writing is a tool which helps me
bear these strong emotions,” she
says. “It creates a space between
myself and my thoughts. In these
spaces, I can choose how to act,
rather than reacting on impulse
out of fear and anxiety.”
Commanding the language of
one’s own mental health can help
create a sense of autonomy and
personhood, a potent tonic for
any experience that leaves you
feeling invalidated and out of
control. >>>

that a diagnosis doesn’t have to lead
to a life of shame, guilt and silence.
Rosie began to chronicle her
experience through poetry, and
started her now award-winning

August 2019 • happiful.com • 27
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