Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1
Writing | Kat Nicholls

When it comes to British summertime, we need to take advantage of every
sunny day we get. Here are some ideas to help you do just that

2 Go
Summer nights
usually mean clearer
nights, making it
ideal for a spot of
stargazing. Find your
nearest ‘dark sky site’ and
take in the vast expanse of a
starry night sky. If you want to
learn more about what you’re
seeing, download the SkyView
Lite app, and point it towards
the sky to identify stars,
constellations, satellites and
more. To find a dark sky
site near you, or to attend a
stargazing event, take a look
at gostargazing.co.uk

5 Enjoy
movie magic
Cosying up on a
blanket and watching a film
under the stars is a perfect
way to enjoy a balmy summer
evening. There are plenty of
companies that run outdoor
screenings, so have a Google
to see where your nearest one
is, and get ready for some
serious summer vibes. Oh, and
remember to pack an umbrella...
just in case (this is British
summertime we’re talking about
after all). The Luna Cinema
have outdoor showings
across various
locations in the UK,
and offer accessible
facilities. Find out
what’s showing
at thelunacinema.

4 Take your mindfulness
practice outdoors
Whether you love meditation,
yoga, or a mindful walk, if you
have a mindfulness practice,

1 Head out for a picnic
One of the easiest and most
wholesome summer activities,
who doesn’t love a picnic? Grab
yourself a blanket, some snacks
and sun cream, and get yourself
to your nearest green area (yes,
that includes your garden!).
Celebrate with some peace and
quiet solo, or rally up some
friends, kick back, and enjoy.
Looking to step up your picnic
game? We love the Beachcrest Home
4 Person Wicker
Picnic Basket,
available at

3 Explore some Great British
If there’s one thing the
UK is good at, it’s
gardening. While
away a summer
afternoon with
a trip to one,
and take in
the beautiful
views. We love
Kew Gardens in
London, which houses
rare plants, wildflower
meadows, and tropical
glasshouses. Alongside
standard guided tours,
Kew Gardens provide
monthly British Sign
Language (BSL) tours, and
bimonthly sensory
tours that allow
visitors the
chance to
explore smells
and textures.
If Kew Gardens
sounds up
your street, find
out more and plan
your visit at kew.org. To
explore other gardens, check out

Kew Gardens |


taking it outside can add a
new dimension. Listen to the
birdsong, notice the warmth
of the sun on your skin,
and take in the glorious
scent of cut grass and
BBQs on a warm
summer breeze.
For inspiration, we
love mindful.org
who share new
to try.






Squeeze the most out of summer

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