Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1
Our modern lives see us shut
away inside, hunched over
screens for hours on end. When
was the last time you got outside
and just spent time enjoying
nature? It’s never too late to
rediscover the joy of the great

outdoors. Check out activities
and ideas for adventures in
forests, woodlands, mountains,
by the seaside, and more. Find
inspiration to help you escape the
everyday pace, find adventure,
and go wild.

Go Wild: Find Freedom and Adventure in the Great Outdoors
By Chris Naylor (Summersdale, £16.99)

Camouflage is a graphic novel with
a difference. Autistic women and
girls are often misrepresented or
overlooked. Thanks to Dr Sarah
Bargiela, readers can gain a unique
insight into the lives and different
perspectives of these women.
Using real-life case studies and
charming illustrations, discover
what everyday life can be like

for women on the spectrum.
From understanding metaphors
and masking behaviours, to
communication, social pressures,
and managing relationships. A
fantastic, easy-to-digest book for
anyone hoping to understand
how we can create a safer, more
accommodating environment for
women on the spectrum.

Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women
By Dr Sarah Bargiela (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, £12.99)

Delve into the world of
influencers, social media,
and obsession. How much
of ourselves should we be
sharing online? Amy, an online
influencer, has broadcast every
moment of her mother’s terminal

illness. With the Heartstream
app, her followers are able to
experience every emotion Amy
goes through. But on the day
of her mother’s funeral, Amy
discovers a stranger rigged with
explosives in her kitchen...

By Tom Pollock (Walker Books, £7.99)

August 2019 • happiful.com • 67




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