Happiful – August 2019

(Barry) #1

84 • happiful.com • August 2019

be catharsis; they’re looking for a
way of expelling their frustrations.
Or they’re looking for a way that
they can put past events straight.
“The most important one,
though, is legacy,” she explains.
“They want to feel that, after
they die, they have something
permanent for those that they
Many of us will be able to relate
to the power of the stories that are
passed down through generations,
from grandparents, parents, and
elders in our communities. Those
stories simultaneously help us
build a portrait of their lives –
something we can celebrate and
honour – and preserve their
memory and spirit through the
lessons they teach us, and the
visions that we may share.
And there’s an important
reason why Hospice Biographers
record audio only, with Barbara
explaining that the format
empowers people to tell their
stories in their own voice, allowing
them to be judged – not by their
appearance or their ability to write
a story – but as a person, and a
human being.

Of course, for the family and
friends of those who have
recorded their stories with
Hospice Biographers, the gift of
those recordings is priceless.
“I’ve been chased down
corridors,” says Barbara. “People
come barging into my little
makeshift audio studio at my
hospice, and give me these huge
bear hugs. They burst into tears.
Oh gosh, they love it.”
When she reflects on the people
she has worked with over the
years, there’s one woman in

particular who stands out in
Barbara’s memory.
Suzanne Wallace was
a superintendent in the
Metropolitan Police before she
was diagnosed with terminal
breast cancer. She turned to
Hospice Biographers to record her
story of a life lived to its fullest.
But Barbara’s role in Suzanne’s
story didn’t end when the audio
stopped recording. Before she
died, Suzanne and her family

asked Barbara to give a eulogy at
her funeral.
In a packed church of more than
300 people, Barbara guided the
congregation through Suzanne’s
incredible life, using clips from
the recordings they had done
“People cried and people laughed
because there was so much of
Suzanne’s character,” Barbara
reflects. “They laughed because it
was so her.”
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