october 2019 | GAMES WORLD OF PUZZLES 6 1
Anagrams: The answer appears in anagrammed
form, preceded or followed by a word or phrase
that suggests the mixing, as in Changing times for
Deletions: Deletions come in three varieties:
beheadments, curtailments, and internal deletions.
The clue always contains a word or phrase
indicating the deletion. Examples: Uncovered bent
charm for ENCHANT, a beheadment of PENCHANT;
Fiery bird without a tail for FLAMING, a curtailment
of FLAMINGO; and Heartless miserly bloke for CHAP,
an internal deletion of CHEAP.
Charades: The answer is broken into smaller
words that are clued individually, as in Auto animal
Containers: A word such as PATIENTS “contains”
TIE inside PANTS, so it might be clued as Hospital
residents make knots in trousers.
Hidden answers: The answer may appear intact,
albeit camouflaged, in the clue. Example: Myopic
colonel clutches flute for PICCOLO (myopic colonel).
Homophones: A word that sounds like the answer
indicated by use of a giveaway phrase such as “We
hear” or “as they say.” Example: Counted frozen
chicken out loud for NUMBERED (“numb bird”).
Reversals: A synonym for “backward” or “overturn”
in a clue may indicate a reversal, as in Returned
beer fit for a king (LAGER reversed) for REGAL.
Double definitions: This type of clue has no
wordplay half; instead, it has two definition halves.
Example: Scooter was blue for MOPED.
1 Tuggin’ a vest (6)
4 A young scout,
I’m guarding
her angels (8)
9 Clusters of 100
pieces of coal (6)
10 Cut indecision:
Ignore a couple
of details (8)
12 Pancake selection
from Dublin,
Ireland (5)
13 No. 1 tennis player
Monica’s mum (9)
14 Extraordinary charge,
trifling to the
auditors (10)
15 Explosive device
belonging to
yours truly (4)
18 Beams up
broadcast (4)
19 Youths, wearing
arm supports,
stumble (10)
21 Where visitors may
park and rudely
view yards (9)
23 Failing vigor is a sign
of late summer (5)
25 Treading all over
a slope (8)
26 Composed, Flintstone
takes in morning (6)
27 Terrapins originally
introduced to coastal
reserve (3,5)
28 Siegfried is onion
inventor (6)
1 Isaac’s son, one who
suffered greatly without
air conditioning (5)
2 Generally, bank holds
short excursion (9)
3 Jail rascal no gentleman
backed (8)
5 French painter’s
abstract: Three
Simians (5,7)
6 Very annoyed, Red
gets crude (6)
7 Billiard table cloth
in, say, reddish-brown
tones (5)
8 Pastors freely remit
sins (9)
11 Uncontrolled
rioting poured
down (12)
14 Models coupla’
coins, in a manner
of speaking (9)
16 Amusing or eccentric
fool (9)
17 Seasoned piece of
lamb fed to pet (8)
20 Live contests for
large groups (6)
22 Not fitting, it
has overturned
skillet (5)
24 Poet’s ancient and
glorious, needing no
introduction (5)
123 45678
12 13
14 15 16
18 19
21 22 23 24
25 26
27 28