Games World of Puzzles – October 2019

(singke) #1

66 GAMES WORLD^ OF PUZZLES | october 2019


Category: __

  1. CORKY __

  2. SNIPE __

  3. PATTER __

  4. SHAVEN __

  5. VERTEX __

  6. FRYABLE __

  7. VARMINT __
    8. ENSCROLL __
    9. JINCHORE __
    10. CHIRPIEST __


Category: __

  1. KEYS __

  2. LADY __

  3. ARTSY __

  4. MONDO __

  5. SHLAFT __

  6. LOBSTER __

  7. PERTEST __

  8. UNLACED __

  9. DIFFRACT __

  10. GIGUDINE __

Category: __

  1. FUEL __

  2. FORGE __

  3. BROMIZE __

  4. ORGANDY __

  5. CHAIRMEN __

  6. EXPHONIC __

  7. HENBANES __

  8. TRUNCATE __

  9. UPSTAGES __

  10. RUMINATOR __


Category: __

  1. AGAVE __

  2. GERBIL __

  3. MARITAL __

  4. SURIMIS __

  5. NARRATES __

  6. PARBOILS __

  7. PLACABLE __

  8. POPCORNY __

  9. SCOURPAN __


Change each group of 10 words below into a “family” of different words (words or proper names that have something
in common) by dropping one letter from each word and then rearranging the remaining letters. For example, given
the entries HAUNT, HAIRDO, and ADVANCE, you could drop the N from HAUNT to get UTAH, drop the R from HAIRDO
for IDAHO, and drop the C from ADVANCE to get NEVADA, all in the category “U.S. states.” Can you reunite each family
by determining the category for each and unscrambling the 10 entries? All answers are single words. If you need help
getting started, a list of the four categories appears on page 70. ANSWERS, PAGE 80


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