100% Biker – August 2019

(ff) #1

58 | 100% Biker | issue 250 | http://www.100-biker.co.uk



If you’ve ever been on the road at the same time that a large

procession of motorcycles approaches, you will know just what

an impressive sight and sound that can be. The National Chopper

Club are the masters of the ground-shaking, eye-popping, awe-

inspiring spectacle as anyone who has encountered the club on

one of its runs can testify.



ut while any Chopper Club run is imposing, how about
if you were suddenly assailed by the thunderous sound
of a collection of mighty trikes, not a lightweight among
them, heading towards or past you? Congratulations,
you have just met Sussex Chopper Club!
Now, no-one knows quite why, of all the Chopper Club
counties, the fair county of Sussex seems to attract the
largest amount of trikes (although, to be fair, it also has
some splendid choppers, too). In fact, there’s a few things
about Sussex Chopper Club that are a little vague, not

least the exact date when it was formed. They think it was
sometime in 1975 and it was certainly one of the earliest
counties in the NCC, but it all gets a bit woolly, due (they
say) to the serious amount of partying going on at the time,
a tradition which NCC Sussex does its very utmost to
maintain. But we are pleased to bring you the trikes of NCC
Sussex—well, most of them because I’m not entirely sure we
managed to herd them altogether at one time ... and, in best
Sussex Chopper Club fashion, they were all quite keen to get
off to a party!
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