100% Biker – August 2019

(ff) #1


t was good to travel in sunshine on Friday and
we were greeted by the friendly gate marshals
and directed by Vinni to the rear of the new
marquee to our parking spot. This is normally
reserved for us due to helping out with the stage
and bands, but it was quickly evident this year that
we weren’t needed as the stage area had everything
it needed and the acts were all bringing their own
gear for the whole of the stage. Phew, that deserves a
drink or two, then, I thought.
In the corner was a great little bar—although I
stuck to cider the whole weekend—with a few tables
and sofas dotted around inside. A steady stream of
people came in all night and panic started to set in
when Vinni wasn’t sure if he was going to run out of
room for everyone in the marquee and on the field. He
panics every year but all was fine—as it is every year!
A few hours later I spotted Rory Holl who
informed me he was kicking off the night’s
entertainment. If you haven’t caught him before then
that’s a must. After Rory the next band, 3 Fall, set up
for the night; I have had the opportunity of singing

with 3 Fall in the past and, although I have said I
wasn’t going to do this again, I had to. Let me explain.
One of the past organisers of the event was Tony
Watson with whom I had recently become friends
and he had been helping me with a project renovating
a house I had just purchased. Sadly, he suffered a
terrible heart attack before the end of the job and
before this rally. He had said that in the previous
years he had missed me singing and promised to
watch this year, so, just in case he was up there
watching, I had to do a song for him one last time. I
belted out my best yet for Tony. He was probably up
there laughing at my attempt. On Saturday afternoon
we took the opportunity on the stage to say our
goodbyes to our mutual good friend, Tony. As in the
previous year when we said goodbye to three other
bikers I was joined on stage by Rose and Krazey
again. I hope next year we don’t have to do it again.
The funniest part of the weekend was when I
told Vinni on Saturday afternoon that it would be a
good idea next year to have a bike/trike competition.
That’s when his face turned white and he explained

It was all change for Adventure Before Dementia this year as it

moved from its established site at Tablers Wood Campsite in Cowick

to the Old Station House Café just down the road in Snaith. Part of

the reason was that, with such a small crew working on this event, a

smaller site was needed to be able to ensure a smooth weekend




72 | 100% Biker | issue 250 | http://www.100-biker.co.uk


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