100% Biker – August 2019

(ff) #1

The funniest^ part^ of^ the^ weekend^

was^ when^ I^ told^ Vinni^ that^ it^ would^

be a good^ idea^ next^ year^ to^ have^

a bike/trike^ competition...


The problem is that we really need more help with
this rally and I am putting myself forward for next
year again. After all, it’s all in aid of the Dementia
charity, so if you could spare some time to help out,
please get in touch. But, despite the move of venue,
the one thing that didn’t change about Adventure
Before Dementia was the warm welcome, the friendly
atmosphere and a smashing weekend. The more
things change, the more they stay the same...

he was having one and had forgotten. He even
showed me all the trophies! So, after a quick chat
with a couple of chaps, we made our way around
the field to view machines and write down some
registration numbers. The winners were later
announced on stage and everything went smoothly
with most people not even realising that things
hadn’t gone quite to plan!
The evening kicked off with one man and a guitar,
Nick Shaw, a great singer although playing inside
a marquee when the sun is out made it difficult to
compete with the sun. Despite that, he gave us some
entertainment for the afternoon. It wasn’t long before
the next band, Glamrockz, were setting up on stage and
got the party back into full swing. ‘Colourful’ is one word
to describe them but you can swiftly follow that up with
‘talented’ too, and, as it was fancy dress night, many of
the attendees were also colourful. (How did I not know
it was fancy dress? Maybe my past fancy dress costumes
were a reason for people to make sure I didn’t know!)

http://www.100-biker.co.uk | issue 250 | 100% Biker | 73

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