100% Biker – August 2019

(ff) #1

http://www.100-biker.co.uk | issue 238 | 100% Biker | 83

In the^ cold^ weather,^ the^ barn^ is^ the^

place^ to^ be,^ thanks^ to^ the^ halls^ being^

fully^ equipped^ with^ indoor^ heaters

Saturday is normally my day to have a walk around the
site to admire the various machines on display outside the
tents but, having decided to give this a miss for once, I then
found that I was camped next to an old mate, Mick, who I
hadn’t recognised the previous day. He was camped under
a sheet stretched out over his motorcycle (a true old-style
biker and camping experience and not one that my wife will
show any joy at ever doing). Rather him than me.
Before long it was time for my favourite part of many
rallies and that’s the comedy show. Seat picked and reserved
with my jacket, I hopped over to the bar to stock up on a
couple of ciders before compere Rick Hulse introduced
us to the lively Philip Smith; the fast paced Rahul Kholi;
that guy who played my wedding, Richard Masarra (not
to be confused with Richard Bacon); soon to be a star
Jack Gleadow who almost fell off the back of the stage
and then the headliner and Smacked Arse regular that
is the fabulous Jonathan Mayor.

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