100% Biker – August 2019

(ff) #1
After what was an epic comedy show I made my
way outside to catch the bike and trike competition,
something I usually miss due to not making it out
on time after the comedy. I wish these things didn’t
run at the same time. Shortly after that, the heavens
opened up and we took shelter at a trade stand,
although fortunately it didn’t last long before the sun
was out again. I was told there had even been snow at
one point but I must have blinked and missed it.
Not much later I was refreshed and ready for the
evening’s bands in the shape of Thunder Monkeys
who I had seen the week before, followed by Spirit
Levellers and, at the top of the bill, Supermodels.
Speaking with someone backstage I was told
Supermodels were going to be giving up soon which
is a real shame because they were fantastic, as, for
that matter, were all the weekend’s acts.
Into The Valley was the start of my rally season
and also the start of a terrible cold that would
lead to a chest infection. Would I have missed it
knowing this? Hell no, of course I wouldn’t have! It
would take a pack of rabid dogs to stop me making
a rally, particularly one as enjoyable and well
organised as Into The Valley. Over the weekend,
some 1400 other happy bikers and trikers turned
up for a weekend of fun. If you want top bands and
top class comedians for a mere 25, where else are
you going to go? As a bonus, you’re also not going
to have your pants taken down at the bar either
with the prices, while it doesn’t seem to matter
what type of music you like because there is always
something for everyone. If you’ve never been to
Into The Valley, get yourself there next year, and if
you have—well, I’ll see you at the bar!

It would^ take^ a^ pack^ of^ rabid^

dogs to stop^ me^ making^ a^ rally,^

particularly^ one^ as^ enjoyable^ and^

well^ organised^ as^ Into^ The^ Valley

84 | 100% Biker | issue 238 | http://www.100-biker.co.uk


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