Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1

I diluted this a little with their own brand
thinner and gave the whole model a couple
of light to medium coats. This was left to dry
fully overnight and given a light sanding/
polish in the morning with some ine wet n
dry sandpaper after which I added some pre-
shading to the panel lines and some mottling
over the entire airframe to give the proceeding
paintwork a slightly weathered appearance.
Due to the nature of the light-coloured paint
scheme on US Navy Phantoms I used a dark
grey for the pre-shading/mottling as I thought
black would be too stark. I started on the
underside and sprayed Gunze Aqueous H316
(FS17875), slowly building up the depth of the
layers over the pre-shading. It took two or three
light coats in the end. I left this to cure overnight
before tackling the main upper surface. This
was painted in Gunze Aqueous H325
(FS26440) and the same procedure as
the underside was followed however,
it only took one to two coats. I
masked and sprayed the tail in
Tamiya X-18 Semi-Gloss Black with
some XF-85 Rubber Black to try and
vary the shading somewhat.

I followed this up with the yellow (Gunze
Aqueous H413 RLM 04) on the wing tips and
top of tailin. The nose cone (Gunze Aqueous
H318 Radome) and inally the black anti-glare
panel in front of the cockpit. At this point
I thought I’d let the paint dry overnight to
minimise the handling and reduce the risk of
ingerprints and the like. I turned my attention
to the ordnance and sprayed the bands on the
missiles yellow, brown
and black. Decals are
supplied for these,
but I prefer to paint
when I can. These
were masked once
dry before spraying
the main bodies
white. The

sidewinder tips were brush painted with Vallejo
Model Air Gunmetal and Aluminium where
appropriate. The following day I masked the
rear end for the metallic areas to the exhaust
end of the aircraft. I sprayed Vallejo Gloss black
irst in preparation for the metallic colours. For
these, I used various shades of Vallejo Metal
Color (Dark Aluminium, Exhaust Manifold, Burnt
Iron, Steel and Pale Burnt Metal). These dry
extremely quickly (touch dry in ive minutes)
and are pretty durable to handling after
ifteen-twenty minutes. The whole model was
then given two medium coats of Alclad Aqua
Gloss through the airbrush to provide a lovely
smooth gloss inish ready for decaling.
The decals were designed by Crossdelta
and printed by Cartograf, and the quality of
these was superb. They went down lovely but
can also take a fair bit of re-positioning and
man-handling so to speak. Once positioned
and a thin application of Micro-Sol applied to
them, they literally ‘melt’ into the model with
the carrier ilm disappearing. Be prepared for
a few nights/sessions of decaling though as
there are a lot of stencils to add. Talking of
stencils these were my only slight criticism in

The decals were
designed by Crossdelta




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