Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1

The fuselages both itted together well with
very little iller needed, and I used Clear CA
from Mad Works and Perfect Plastic Putty to
ill any small gaps. I repeated this step for few
times to make sure everything was smooth
and perfect before I set about painting. The
clear canopy is clear enough - you don’t need
to use any Johnson’s ‘Future’ on it, and the it
is great too, both just snap together. Next, I
primed both models with Mr Finishing Surfacer
1500 Grey, and then I prepared the surface
with a 3M Microine sanding sponge in order
to remove any unwanted particles. I then
added the pylons. For the ordnance, I used all
everything HobbyBoss provided, these being

AIM-9L/Ps, M117s, LR-155s and fuel tanks. For
Hawk Mk.108 I just used the AAM missiles, fuel
tanks, M117s bomb and LR-155s, while for Hawk
Mk.208 I added six AIM-9L/Ps. These were all
prepared and set to one side Both aircraft were

Manufacturer: HobbyBoss
Scale: 1:4 8
K i t Ty p e: Plastic injection moulded
Kit Number: 817 35

Hawk Mk 100/102




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