Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1
now ready to paint, and I began by pre-shading
the panel lines with Gunze 305 German Grey,
the I added Gunze 308, Gunze 316, Gunze 338,
Gunze 72 Intermediate Blue and Gunze 43
Wooden Brown for some colour variation and

Once I was satisied with the shades, I
allowed the models to dry for twenty-four
hours and then started to mask the fuselages
for the gold and black stripes of 25th
Anniversary Livery. I then added some Gloss
Black and then followed this with Gunze 09

Gold. Make sure the Black is glossy enough
so that the Gold will looks smooth and even.
Once dry I added a coat of Mr Color Super Clear
III and prepared to add the decals. As noted,
I used Fishbone Inc. decals for the livery and


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