Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1

The Phantom F-4

  • Images of War

Publisher: Pen and Sword
Author: Martin W Bowman
ISBN:  9781526705761
Format: Softback
Price: £16.99


he Phantom was
developed for the US
Navy as a long-range all-
weather ighter and irst lew in
May 1958. It became operational
in 1961. The US Air Force then
realised that the Navy had an
aircraft that was far better than
any tactical aircraft in their
inventory and ordered 543 F-4C
variants. There then followed
a spate of orders from around
the world. In Britain, it was
ordered for the Navy and Air
Force, but was modiied to take
the Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan.
One of the Royal Navy’s
Phantoms stole the record for
the fastest Atlantic crossing, a
record that stood until taken
by the remarkable Blackbird.
During the long course of its
service history, the Phantom has
been employed in a variety of
diferent combat scenarios and
theatres of war. It was one of
America’s most utilised aircraft

during the long Vietnam War
and has been lown in anger in
the Middle East by a number of
diferent air forces. The F-4 is still
operational with several units
but is now coming to the end of
its long and successful period as
a front-line combat warplane.
This is the perfect introduction
for the general reader,
enthusiast or modeller wishing
to ind a succinct yet detailed
introduction to the design and
history of this aircraft. Why was
it conceived? What was it like
to ly in combat? Who were
the people who designed it
and who became famous for
lying it? What were its virtues
and vices? These questions
are answered and a wealth
of technical data, additional
information and suggestions for
further reading are provided.

The Berlin Air

Publisher: Pen and Sword
Author: John Grehan
ISBN: 9781526758262
Format: Softback
Price: £15.9 9


he fate of the free world
hung in the balance. Stalin’s
Soviet Union sought to
drive the Western democracies
from Germany to continue the
communist advance across
Europe. The irst step in Stalin’s
scheme was to bring Berlin under
Soviet control. Berlin was situated
deep inside the Soviet-occupied
region of the country, but the
German capital had been divided
into two halves, one of which was
occupied by the Soviet Union,
the other, in separate sectors,
by Britain, France and the USA.
Stalin decided to make the Allied
hold on West Berlin untenable by
shutting down all the overland
routes used to keep the city
supplied. The choice faced by the
Allies was a stark one – let Berlin
fall, or risk war with the Soviets by
breaking the Soviet stranglehold.
In a remarkably visionary move,
the Allies decided that they could
keep Berlin supplied by lying
over the Soviet blockade, thus
avoiding armed conlict with the

The Dauntless in

Publisher: Pen and Sword
Author: Peter C Smith
ISBN:  9781526704603
Format: Softback
Price: £15.9 9


he Douglas SBD Dauntless,
a monoplane dive-bomber
designed by Ed Heinemann
for the United States Navy and
United States Marine Corps,
arrived in service in the months
just preceding America’s entry
into World War II. The irst such
aircraft were being shipped out
to the USMC units just as the
Japanese Task Force arrived in
position to launch their attack
on Pearl Harbor, while those
Dauntless embarked aboard
the American aircraft carriers of
the Paciic Fleet became among
the very irst casualties of that
surprise attack. Very quickly the
Dauntless established herself as
a highly accurate naval bomber
at sea. However, when the Army
Air Force adopted the type (as the
Banshee) they lacked the Navy’s
expertise at this method of attack
and the hastily-deployed units
that tried to stem the tide of
enemy victory in the Dutch East
Indies were overwhelmed and
took heavy losses, which gave the
USAAC the excuse to abandon
the type.


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