Model Railroader – October 2019

(Ben Green) #1

Step by Step

Design Preservation Models (DPM, part of Woodland
Scenics) structures have been a part of model railroading for
decades. In the August 2019 issue, I wrote about how to add
and illuminate an interior for the company’s HO scale
Robert’s Dry Goods kit (no. 10200).
This month, we’ll take a look at how
to assemble, paint, and weather
the building.
Now you might be thinking,
“Really! This is a plastic kit. How
tough can it be?” Well, to an
extent you’re right. But with
DPM kits, it’s the little steps you
take, especially on the front end
of the build, that make the fin-
ished structure look great.
Cleaning sprue attachment
points, removing flash, and
squaring the edges to get tight
corner joints are just a few things
you can do.
But a well-built model is only
part of the process. A prototypi-
cal paint job, some signs, and
realistic weathering will make an
ordinary building a standout.
So if you’re working on a
DPM kit, give these techniques
a try. You can also watch me build
and detail this structure from start
to finish on “Cody’s Workshop.”
The series is available exclusively
on Model Railroader Video Plus

Build, paint, and weather a structure kit


The wall panels were attached to a
sprue, which was removed at the fac-
tory. However, there were still ragged
chunks of plastic at the sprue attach-
ment points along the edges of the
wall. I removed them with a pair of
sprue cutters.

Other parts had flash, excess
plastic that oozed out of the mold.
I removed the flash with a variety of
tools, including jeweler’s files, a no. 11
blade in a hobby knife, and, as dem-
onstrated in the middle image, a
sanding stick.

The wall edges are slightly beveled
from the manufacturing process. To
get the edges square, I held each
panel against a wood squaring block
and slid it back and forth on a piece
of 320-grit sandpaper attached to a
piece of tempered glass.

Sprue attachment point

Sprue cutters

Remove flash with sanding stick
Tempered glass

Wall panel


Wood squaring block
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