Broadcast Magazine – 22 August 2019

(Barry) #1

Find out if you are one of the country’s best employers



“Taking part in Best Places to work has been galvanising and brought the whole label together to figure out
what kind of company we all want to work for.”

Tim Carter, Managing Director, MultiStory Media (previously Shiver)

“Winning the BPTW award in our first year of entering, confirmed to us that the money invested in our staff, and working
environment, is the right thing to do and has helped with recruiting staff. We will be entering again in  not simply because
we are competitive and want to win, but because we want to be able to compare the data from last year to know if we are
still moving in the right direction.”

Oli Hyatt, MD/Co-Founder, Blue-Zoo

“Firecrest Films are delighted to be awarded as one of the Best Places to Work . We’re extremely proud of our brilliant team
and all of the hard work that they do. Being recognised in this way has had a big impact in the company, and given all of us here
a bounce in our stride.”

Emma Curtis, Production Executive, Firecrest Films

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Talia Levine: + ()    | [email protected]

Other  winners have said...

“I’m absolutely thrilled that Dragonfly have been voted the Best Places to Work in TV. It’s not just a wonderful testament
to our marvellous team, but also a huge boom in helping us to attract the best talent. In a competitive industry based
so heavily on freelancers, this award is an invaluable shorthand that reassures prospective staff that if they decide
to work with Dragonfly they’ll be treated with fairness and respect.”

Richard Bond, Creative Director,Dragonfly TV

A word from our # winner of 

“I’m absolutely thrilled that Dragonfly have been voted the Best Places to Work in TV. It’s not just a wonderful testament
to our marvellous team, but also a huge boom in helping us to attract the best talent. In a competitive industry based
so heavily on freelancers, this award is an invaluable shorthand that reassures prospective staff that if they decide

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