Official Xbox Magazine USA – October 2019

(Marcin) #1
on making it out of this nightmare
alive. Your new dash and climbing
abilities don’t just make it easier to
navigate the environment, you can
utilise them to deftly avoid enemy
fire and they help maintain a high
state of momentum in combat.
Certain weapons will also need to be
used on specific enemies as each
demon has unique strengths and
weaknesses. For example, the new
Ballista launches a powerful charged
explosive bolt that is perfect for
taking down slower airborne enemies
like the Cacodemon. You’ll also be
zipping around the stage with your
Super Shotgun, which now has a
‘meat hook’ grapple grafted onto
it and enables you to quickly pull
yourself towards an enemy for a swift
shotgun blast to the face – ideal for
smaller cannon fodder.
But it’s not just the gameplay id
is going big on, the story is getting
a boost, too. Although Doom isn’t
strictly a narrative-based game, there
will most certainly be more story to
uncover by exploring off the beaten
path. “There’s more of everything,”
says executive producer Marty
Stratton. “It’s a bigger campaign, it’s
a bigger world, it’s a bigger story.
We kind of laid down the framework
for the world, the ‘Doom universe’
as we call it, in 2016. So this is our
opportunity to flesh out that world and

ABOVE The Doom
Hunter looks
pretty mad.
LEFT Glory Kills
are gorier this
time around.
BELOW You can
damage specific
parts of demons.


Has the Doom Slayer finally
met their match?



Doom Eternal’s reveal at last
year’s E3 gave us just a
glimpse of the Doom Hunter via
some concept art, but we got
our first good look at this beast
at this year’s QuakeCon. This
humongous half-demon
half-machine enemy has been
created for the sole purpose of
taking down the Doom Slayer,
and it will be a considerable
force to go up against. This
creature is equipped with a
large cannon, dual-bladed
chainsaw, as well as thrusters
to help it move around. Bring it
on, we say!
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