Wine Enthusiast – October 2019

(Barry) #1

What general message about the state of

our planet’s climate did you share at the


The climate crisis is the most important

challenge humanity faces. And  Mother

Nature is speaking loudly and clearly. We

continue to spew 110 million tons of global

warming pollution into the thin shell of

atmosphere surrounding our planet as if it

were an open sewer. It builds up and lingers

in the atmosphere for about 1,000 years

on average, and the cumulative amount is

trapping as much extra heat energy every

day as would be released by 500,000

Hiroshima size atomic bombs exploding on

earth every single day. 

...More then 90% of all that extra heat

energy is going into the oceans, evaporating

much more water vapor into the sky and

disrupting the water cycle, causing massive

historic downpours—“rain bombs” as many

scientists now call them—and causing

massive floods and mudslides, interspersed

with deeper and longer droughts, because

the same extra heat that disrupts the water

cycle also sucks moisture out of the soil

more quickly. This increases crop failures

and threatens both food shortages and

shortages of fresh potable water. These

impacts have dramatic consequences for

the wine industry.

What industry specific messages did you

share with the audience?

As global temperatures increase, we are

seeing the climate zones suitable for wine

production shift poleward. For example,

temperatures in the Bordeaux region

have increased two degrees Celsius since

  1. Some parts of southern Europe,

the Mediterranean and the Middle East

where families have produced wine for

generations have become unsuitable for

wine production. Some of these regions,

which have long been ideal for viticulture,

are not only facing increased wildfires and

droughts as a result of rising temperatures,

but they are also experiencing an increased

risk from pests and grape predators.

Was there anything from the summit that
really stuck with you?
I was really struck by the collective response
from the producers and distributors at this
conference in Porto as to how the climate
crisis is impacting their livelihoods. It’s
one thing to read and hear about various
statistics around this crisis. It’s a whole
other story when you can hear from a whole
conference full of people with personal
stories. Nearly every person I met at that
conference had a first-hand experience of
how this crisis is affecting their wine and
how they are having to get creative about
the future of their wineries and production
as a result.

Can you share any tips with readers on how
to be mindful of waste/sustainability when
buying or drinking wine?
Become a climate conscious consumer
and send the signal to not only the wine
industry, but the marketplace and business
community that you want climate-friendly
products and services. Also, win the
conversation on climate with your friends,
families and in your work places; always
be kind, but be persistent in not allowing
climate denial to go unchallenged.

And finally, can you share a message of
courage in the face of climate change?
Although there is an abundance of
danger, it is equally important to
recognize that there is an abundance of
hope as well. We’re at the beginning of a
global sustainability revolution with the
scale of the industrial revolution and
the speed of the digital revolution. This
revolution has the potential to reshape
the world—our relationship to businesses,
to the environment, to other people. An
increasing number of consumers are
demanding a fresh way of doing things.
In addition to the wine industry, more
and more industries are responding to
this challenge.


“Nearly every person I met
at that conference had a
first-hand experience of
how this crisis is affecting
their wine and how they are
having to get creative about
the future of their wineries
and production as a result.”
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