Wine Enthusiast – October 2019

(Barry) #1


4O under 4O I 2019

Alex Negranza, 30
Coffee Director/Partner, Penny Quarter;
Director of Operations, The Pastry War,
Tongue-Cut Sparrow, The Nightingale
Room • Houston

Barista turned bartender
Within Bobby Heugel’s expanding Houston bar
empire, Negranza’s role spans both the coffee and
cocktail worlds. He oversees bar operations at a
trio of hotspots that range from formal (Tongue-
Cut Sparrow) to raucous (dance club Nightin-
gale Room) and agave-rifi c (mezcaleria The
Pastry War). Negranza, a coffee connoisseur and
former Seattle barista, has returned to his roots
with Penny Quarter, an all-day coffee and wine
bar that opened this summer. He’s well-known
as a SoulCycle devotee and fi tness advocate for
the bartending community and is vocal about
promoting visibility for L.G.B.T.Q. bartenders.
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