The first half of setter code is very similar to getter, address of triplet is calculated first, then the jump is
occurred in order to dispatch to the right handler’s code.
put_to_array PROC
PUSH {r4,r5,lr}
; R0 = idx
; R1 = val
LSRS r2,r0,#1
; R2 = R0>>1 = idx>>1
LSLS r3,r2,#1
; R3 = R2<<1 = (idx>>1)<<1 = idx&(~1)
LSLS r4,r0,#31
; R4 = R0<<31 = idx<<31
ADDS r3,r2,r3
; R3 = R2+R3 = idx>>1 + idx&(~1) = idx1.5
LSRS r0,r0,#1
; R0 = R0>>1 = idx>>1
LDR r2,|array|
; R2 = address of array
LSLS r5,r0,#1
; R5 = R0<<1 = (idx>>1)<<1 = idx&(~1)
ADDS r0,r0,r5
; R0 = R0+R5 = idx>>1 + idx&(~1) = idx1.5
ADDS r0,r2,r0
; R0 = R2+R0 = array + idx*1.5, in other words, this is address of triplet
; finally test shifted lowest bit in idx:
CMP r4,#0
; jump if idx is even:
BEQ |L0.40|
; idx is odd, go on:
; load middle byte at R0+1:
LDRB r3,[r0,#1]
; R3 = middle_byte
LSRS r2,r1,#8
; R2 = R1>>8 = val>>8
LSRS r3,r3,#4
; R3 = R3>>4 = middle_byte>>4
LSLS r3,r3,#4
; R3 = R3<<4 = (middle_byte>>4)<<4
; this two shift operations are used to drop low 4 bits in middle_byte
; merge high 4 bits in middle byte (in R3) with val>>8 (in R2):
ORRS r3,r3,r2
; R3 = updated middle byte
; store it at R0+1:
STRB r3,[r0,#1]
; store low 8 bits of val (val&0xFF) at R0+2:
STRB r1,[r0,#2]
POP {r4,r5,pc}
; idx is even, go on:
LSRS r4,r1,#4
; R4 = R1>>4 = val>>4
; store val>>4 at R2+R3 (address of left byte or beginning of triplet):
STRB r4,[r2,r3]
; load middle byte at R0+1:
LDRB r3,[r0,#1]
; R3 = middle byte
LSLS r2,r1,#4
; R2 = R1<<4 = val<<4
LSLS r1,r3,#28
; R1 = R3<<28 = middle_byte<<28
LSRS r1,r1,#28
; R1 = R1>>28 = (middle_byte<<28)>>28
; these two shifting operation are used to drop all bits in register except lowest 4
; merge lowest 4 bits (in R1) and val<<4 (in R2):
ORRS r1,r1,r2
; store it at R0+1:
STRB r1,[r0,#1]