3.29. WINDOWS 16-BIT
3.29.6 Example #6.
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char strbuf[256];
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow )
struct tm *t;
time_t unix_time;
t=localtime (&unix_time);
sprintf (strbuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", t->tm_year+1900, t->tm_mon, t->⤦
t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
MessageBox (NULL, strbuf, "caption", MB_OK);
return 0;
WinMain proc near
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ax
push ax
xor ax, ax
call time_
mov [bp+var_4], ax ; low part of UNIX time
mov [bp+var_2], dx ; high part of UNIX time
lea ax, [bp+var_4] ; take a pointer of high part
call localtime_
mov bx, ax ; t
push word ptr [bx] ; second
push word ptr [bx+2] ; minute
push word ptr [bx+4] ; hour
push word ptr [bx+6] ; day
push word ptr [bx+8] ; month
mov ax, [bx+0Ah] ; year
add ax, 1900
push ax
mov ax, offset a04d02d02d02d02 ; "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
push ax
mov ax, offset strbuf
push ax
call sprintf_
add sp, 10h
xor ax, ax ; NULL
push ax
push ds
mov ax, offset strbuf
push ax
push ds
mov ax, offset aCaption ; "caption"
push ax
xor ax, ax ; MB_OK
push ax