In[]:=input = BinaryReadList["/home/dennis/tmp/cipher.txt"];
In[]:=blocks = Partition[input, 17];
In[]:=Sort[Tally[blocks], #1[[2]] > #2[[2]] &]
Noluck, each17-byteblockisuniquewithinthefileandoccurredonlyonce. Perhaps, thereareno17-byte
zero lacunas, or lacunas containing only spaces. It is possible indeed: such long space indentation and
padding may be absent in tightly typeset text.
The first idea is to try all possible 17-byte keys and find those, which will result in readable text after
decryption. Bruteforce is not an option, because there are 25617 possible keys (~ 1040 ), that’s too much.
But there are good news: who said we have to test 17-byte key as a whole, why can’t we test each byte
of key separately? It is possible indeed.
Now the algorithm is:
- try all 256 bytes for 1st byte of key;
- decrypt 1st byte of each 17-byte blocks in the file;
- are all decrypted bytes we got are printable? keep tabs on it;
- do so for all 17 bytes of key.
I’ve written the following Python script to check this idea:
Listing 9.3: Python script
split input by 17-byte chunks:
all_chunks=chunks(content, KEY_LEN)
for c in all_chunks:
for i in range(KEY_LEN):
each_Nth_byte[i]=each_Nth_byte[i] + c[i]
try each byte of key
for N in range(KEY_LEN):
print "N=", N
for i in range(256):
are all characters in tmp[] are printable?
if is_string_printable(tmp)==False:
print possible_keys, "len=", len(possible_keys)
(Full version of the source code ishere.)
Here is its output:
N= 0
[144, 145, 151] len= 3