Autocar UK – 21 August 2019

(lily) #1




The effect of adding

more battery packs on the

springs is unresolved, although

weight distribution is 50:50

regardless of battery count.

All versions have brakes to
cater for three underfloor

batteries plus one under

the front seats.


This car needs to be the next

defining moment for Fiat


Δ to electrification. It’s a matter of

timing. Some people say we should

rush.” But François is not so sure.

“When government incentives

disappear, electric vehicle price

pr e s s u r e w i l l b e at it s m a x i mu m ,” he

adds, which is when he reckons there

will be room for a “better product”.

Why has this exciting car taken

so long to reach fruition, and then

on l y a s a c onc e p t , a lb e it a m i g ht y

impressive one? The answer, explains

François, was the difficulty of

choosing the moment to tell his late

boss Sergio Marchionne about the

idea. The key would be in the pitch

  • and interesting Marchionne in an

area of the market not known for

y ie ld i n g muc h i n t he w ay of pr of it s.

Fr a nç oi s k e p t t r y i n g t o f i nd a

suitable slot in a product meeting

to present the idea but says he was

conscious that Marchionne “thought

I was asking for tons of money to do

something relatively banal”. Instead,

he “printed a pitch, removed the ‘new

Panda’ name – it was a barrier to

entry with Marchionne – and called

it C C 4 , for c it y c a r, fou r t h ge ne r at ion.

“I gave the pitch on a plane and

flipped through it.” Marchionne’s

reaction? “I like that.” “Then we

started prototyping, although it

wasn’t super-urgent. It would have

been too early a year ago.”

Keen to find a fresh way to

re-engage Marchionne – “we often

discussed cars, but didn’t always

a g r e e ” – Fr a nç oi s t he n m a de a

two-minute CGI video. But François

will never know if Marchionne

ever saw it. A link sent to the boss

reportedly wouldn’t open and there

was no way of telling whether a

memory stick still lying on his desk

after he died was ever viewed.

The idea gathered momentum

again when it was picked up by

Michael Manley, now FCA’s CEO.
“Why don’t you show us that concept

of yours?” he suggested. Ask François

how real this concept actually is

and he’ll tell you: “I don’t know yet.

I think the looks are very faithful

to the next-generation Panda. But,

clearly, the style is almost incidental,

a lt hou g h it ’s one t h at w e l i k e v e r y

much. What matters is the concept as

a whole. We’ll know very quickly if it’s

happening or not because we’re in the

process of vetting the future of the

Fiat portfolio. We’ve been very active

in the last three months.”

Pa r t of t h at de bat e h a s b e e n

Concept has four

seats. Production

version may get five

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