Gardening Australia – September 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1




Steppers delineate, decorate

and show us the way... and

often all that’s missing is a

little softening around the


looks attheplantoptions


teppers are the fi nishing touch
to a garden, creating pathways
through beds, and connections
between different zones. To
soften their edges, consider adding
some plants. The following are suitable
to grow between pavers, but think about
whether you’ll want to walk over them,
or if they will sit decoratively to the side.
The reason is, the top of steppers should
be fl ush with the ground to eliminate trip
hazards and mowing damage. But some
low-growing plants have a mounding
habit, so if you select one of those, it’s
wise to set your pavers proud of the
ground, to allow for plant growth. We’ve
indicated with a symbol if a plant grows
tall enough that you should only use it
on the edge. Now, step this way...
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