Lonely Planet India – August 2019

(backadmin) #1


Delve into the depths
of Nagarahole National
Park, Karnataka
Officially known as the Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Nagarahole
derives its name from the Kannada words for snake (naga)
and streams (hole), for the many streams that meander through
the forest. The Kabini River runs along the southern edge of the park,
which is home to leopard, sambar, wild boar, and over 270 species
of birds including tiny, rotund ashy prinias with bulging bellies
and purple-rumped sunbirds with yellow breasts that look like
they’ve spilled juice on themselves. Post the monsoons, the forest
gets a makeover, making it look as pretty as a postcard


Go leopard-spotting
in Bera, Rajasthan
The only claim to fame of the tiny
dusty Rajasthani village of Bera, located some
143km from Udaipur, is its famous wild, yellow,
spotted resident – the leopard. Free to roam
and hunt without threat from human or animal,
the cats stalk in and out of their lairs inside hollow
hills, while you watch breathlessly from a jeep
down below. Don’t be surprised if you stumble
upon entire families lazing behind clumps
of greenery. Despite the heavy concentration,
be prepared to wait plenty – the leopards
can be highly elusive and well camouflaged.
Carry your binoculars – you might even spot
a cobraslitheringintothebrambles or crocodiles
lurkingonfar-flungrocksin theriver.
(closest city: Udaipur)

August 2019 105
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