Lonely Planet India – August 2019

(backadmin) #1

However hard you might try to clutch on to more recent music, The Beatles
will always have a special spot, at least on your vacation playlists. The timeless
British band changed the landscape of rock music forever and wrote songs
replete with travel references that are bound to inspire. Whether it was the
spontaneity of heading just about anywhere in a bus full of ale-drunk people
in the Magical Mystery Tour or the image of ‘a boat on a river with tangerine
trees and marmalade skies’ in Lucy in the sky with diamonds – barring some
scandalous drug references, voyages were often featured in their music.
To this day, their die-hard fans have Beatles pilgrimages on their bucket
lists, where they travel across the UK and the USA to their popular tour
venues, as well as to the Indian city of Rishikesh, in Uttarakhand, where
they practised meditation and wrote many of their hits.


The New

Map Makers

theworld,butthese 10 iconsof globalculturehave
inspiredmanyovertheyearsto spreadtheirwings


»^ 10 peeps who
pushed us out
to travel the world


16 August 2019
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