Lonely Planet India – August 2019

(backadmin) #1





of Schubert, Mozart and other greats
during Sunday Mass, and stars among
a diverse line-up of classical and
contemporary music at MuTh, its own
performing space near Leopoldstadt

  1. Staatsoper
    Opened in 1869, the opulent,
    Neo-Renaissance Vienna State Opera
    stages some 300 lavish productions
    a year. Its showstopper of an audiorium
    has hosted every great maestro,
    from Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss
    to Herbert von Karajan and Simon Rattle.
    For a taste of its architectural brilliance
    and musical genius, join one of the guided
    tours, which highlight the foyer adorned
    with busts of Beethoven, Schubert
    and Haydn, the Tea Salon glittering in
    22-carat gold leaf, and the Gustav Mahler
    Hall festooned with tapestries inspired
    by Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Book
    in advance for a performance, or try for
    standing-room tickets (300 to 400),
    sold 80 minutes before curtain-up at
    the box office (www.wiener-staatsoper.at).

  2. Musikverein
    The only serious contender for the
    Staatsoper’s classical music crown
    is the Musikverein, home to the Vienna
    Phil, on the opposite side of the
    Ringstrasse. Its acoustics are the best in
    Austria, apparently (www.musikverein.at)

his career, as a choirboy. It was also the
backdrop to Vivaldi’s funeral in 1741 and
Mozart’s marriage to Constanze Weber
in 1782. The cathedral stages summer
concerts on Fridays and Saturdays from
July to October, and Advent concerts
in December. The 10.15am Mass on
Sundays is conducted with full choral
accompaniment (www.stephanskirche.at).

  1. Hofburgkapelle
    Follow the rhythmic clip-clop of fiaker
    (horse-drawn carriages) along the
    Kohlmarkt to Vienna’s resplendent
    Hofburg — a palace fit for Hapsburg
    emperors from 1279 until 1918. Its Gothic
    Hofburgkapelle (Royal Chapel) is a
    sublime place to hear the celestial tones
    of the Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna
    Boys’ Choir). One of the world’s most
    celebrated choirs, it performs a repertoire


August 2019 87
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