64 Australian Country HOMES
This page: The outbuildings and cellars preserve almost as much history as the homestead itself.
John and Edwina are acutely aware
that developers would love some of their
land, and the Camden Park Preservation
Committee engaged heritage architects
to prepare a document outlining the
signifi cance of the property to shore up
its future. Mining interests are another
area of vulnerability.
“It would be unwise to make the past
govern the future,” John says. “My father
used to say ‘I didn’t create this place and
I wouldn’t like to be the one who lost it’.
We just want to see Camden Park looked
after. But at the same time we have to
respect future generations’ judgement
on what is the best way of doing that. I
think sustaining agriculture is important
for the integrity of the place. But
circumstances may change and future
generations may decide diff erently. We
just have to hope that we have created
the foundations so the people charged
with responsibility in the future also
want see the property preserved.” ACH
John and Edwina open Camden Park house
and garden once every spring. All proceeds
go to the upkeep of this signifi cant slice of
early Australian history. For more details
visit camdenparkhouse.com.au.