82 Australian Country HOMES
This page: With Ellie’s trademark f lair, fruit-drying dip tins are born again as planter boxes and dreamcatchers and bird feeders hang from trees to waft in the breeze.
partnership and toiled long and hard
in the garden. Ellie added her signature
embellishments including, of course,
lots of dreamcatchers and vintage
touches. However, an off er that was too
good to refuse and the quest for more
space in which to raise a family meant
that Luke and Ellie decided to sell their
dream home.
At press time, they were still casting
around for the perfect spot on fi ve to
10 acres to make their new home. The
couple is expecting their fi rst baby, so
change is in the air and Ellie has closed
The Vintage Tree. “It’s been such a
privilege to be able to do what you love
and make a living from it,” she says.
“I count my lucky stars pretty much
every day.” ACH