Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1


this build, along with a pile of aftermarket
goodies which I could use, it came with the
proviso that it was to be built in the Swedish
markings. I have to say that I wasn’t overly
keen on the idea but it would be a bit different
so I thought I’d give it a go. The kit duly arrived
along with the Eduard Big Sin set for the kit.
This includes detailed wing gun bays, both

style of drop tanks, 500lb bombs and the large
triple rocket tubes. The set was really aimed at
the original release as the rocket tubes were
not applicable to the post war variants. Having
looked up some information on Swedish
Mustangs I wasn’t sure much else would be of
use either, the paper tanks were not used and
though the Airfi x instructions show the metal

drop tanks in use, I couldn’t fi nd any photos
showing them actually being used.

Getting Started...
I decided to make a start as the Eduard set
did not supply any parts for the fuselage so
I could at least get going and decide what
to use later. The interior of this kit is superb,

The cockpit interior received a bit of extra detail with the fuel fi ller being added to the fuselage tank. The cockpit is very well detailed straight from the box; here the completed cockpit is laid out ready
to assemble into the fuselage.

A kit decal was used for the instrument panel and very good it looks too. Note the wooden fl ooring –
the wood grain effect was created with oil paints.

The combination of a light coloured drybrush and black wash works very effectively to bring out the
detail as can be seen here,

Time to assemble the fuselage – the complex cockpit and radiator
assembly fi t perfectly inside the fuselage.
Free download pdf