Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1


coat of Microscale Gloss and it was ready for
the decals. These went on over two evenings
with the main marking going on during the irst
evening. The Airix decals were pretty tough
but eventually Microscale Micro Sol had them
settling down. There are some speciic stencil
decals provided for the Swedish aircraft so
check the instructions if you are building this
variant. With the decals on I have to say the

model was looking rather nice. The very large
Swedish roundels looked great against the
silver background.
A wash was applied over the whole model
using Flory Models Dark Dirt, this helped bring
out the surface details and was effective on
the silver and black areas of the paintwork.
Whilst the airframe was nearing completion,
there was still quite a lot of work to do. So,

over the next few evenings I painted the prop,
undercarriage and wheels. I also painted the
Eduard metal drop tanks as I had decided
to it them. The gun bay doors also needed
to be painted and then there were decals to
apply to them and the drop tanks. Once all
the parts were complete, they were attached
to the model – except for the drop tanks.
Eduard’s instructions show these itted with the

Fitting the windscreen needs care, it tends to sit to one side
leaving a step along the lower edge. Check the join where the
cockpit sidewalls are glued to the fuselage as glue squeezed
out here can affect the sit of the canopy.

The lower engine cowling needed a bit of careful filling and
sanding to blend everything in. Lost detail then had to be

After masking, the windscreen receives black paint for the
upper frames and green for the lower, this will be visible on the
inside of the canopy.

Ready to paint! The flaps are test fitted here, these were removed and painted separately. Painting begins with an overall coat of Mr. Surfacer, this gets rid of any micro scratches in the
surface, essential for a metallic paint finish.

A gloss black coat over the Mr. Surfacer gives a mirror finish, perfect for Alclad II paints to be
applied on to.

Metallics here consist of two shades of Alclad II, Aluminium and Dark
Aluminium plus Mr. Hobby H8 Silver for the ‘painted’ areas.
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