Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1
Issue 144 Issue 170 - - 5959


The veracity with which Zvezda has approached this subject, is to my mind astounding, from the fi t, through
to the level of accuracy. It is also the only kit I have yet built which does not require any aftermarket
detailing sets. Yes I have used some aftermarket parts, but they do not add more detail, just enhance what
is already there. But this level of detail makes demands upon the builder, through the complexity of the
kit. Yes, this is offset by the excellent fi t of parts, but the placement of them is critical, pushing it way
above the skill set of a novice modeller. For me, this kit is my main contender for kit of the year, and I
can give it no greater accolade than that.
Thanks to The Hobby Company for the review sample built this month.


and managed to incorporate the pink canopy
sealant as seen on many Russian aircraft
using MRP-355 Russian Cockpit Sealant.
As mentioned previously you are supplied
with two main canopy’s: one with a moulded
in Miniature Detonating Cord (MDC), and
one without. Zvezda have supplied a decal
to represent the MDC for use on the plain
canopy. But there’s two issues with its use.
Firstly its grey in colour, when all reference

photographs show it to
be white. Secondly, I have never
yet been able to conceal the carrier fi lm on
clear plastic. So here I used MDC’s made
from self-adhesive vinyl, produced by Phase
Hangar Resins. Being of the of the correct
colour and with no carrier fi lm, coupled with
being easy to fi t, they are a great solution to
an age-old problem. Once the MDC was fi tted
it was simply a matter of adding the remaining

details such
as the ventilation system, rear
view mirrors and prominent internal blast
shield. Fitting the canopy to the airframe then
completed one of the most enjoyable builds I
have undertaken. ■
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