Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1



Airfi x 1:24 Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat
Kit No: A19004
Materials: IM
Available From: All Good Model Shops
Price Guide: £119.99

Tamiya Extra Thin Cement
Gunze Sangyo Mr. Cement S
Tamiya Masking Tape
Xuron Cutters
Swann Morton No.10 Scalpel & 10A Blades
Plasti-Zap Cyanoacrylate Glue - thin and medium
Gunze Sangyo Mr Filler Primer
Gunze Sangyo Mr White Putty, White Putty R

Tamiya Acrylics
X-18 Semi Gloss Black
XF-69 NATO Black
XF-3 Yellow
XF-1 Flat Black
XF-2 Flat White
XF-3 Flat Yellow
XF-85 Rubber Black
AS-12 ‘Bare Metal Silver’
X-22 Clear

Gunze Sangyo Mr. Hobby Acrylics
Interior Green

Humbrol Enamels
33 Matt Black

Vallejo Acrylics - colours for detailing

Winsor & Newton Oil colours
Payne’s Grey
Raw Umber

Issue 170 - 65

Of course by now, many of you will have
seen a great deal of this kit both in print and
online. Plaudits have be sprayed around like
confetti and though I agree with many of the
views already offered, I have to say right from
the off that although it is in the main superb,
it is not entirely perfect and that areas we
would normally take for granted such as fi t
and parts tolerance, are rather less slick than I
would have liked. Detail though is sensational,
fi xtures and fi ttings complete, and set-up and
weapons options, numerous and well thought
out. But enough of the initial thoughts, what
can you expect from this kit?

Opening The Box...
I’ve hinted at this already, so I’ll reenforce
my view that this is a kit that is absolutely
not aimed at the beginner, or I may add, the
intermediate modeller; with 750+ parts and
300+ steps in the instructions, you will need
to be skilled in the art of aircraft modelling to
get the best from what is offered by Airfi x, be
able to plan ahead and in certain key areas,
be able to problem solve on the hoof. This

is a complex kit, with highly involved sub-
assemblies that require care, a thoughtful
approach and in places, no little patience to
complete. As we continue through the next
couple of issues, you will be able to see how
much is involved in completing this kit. I hope
that I can guide you through any pitfalls, but
before I do, I feel that being forewarned is
most defi nitely worthwhile!
Open the box and you are faced with
a mountain of plastic spread over a large
number of pale grey runners. Each runner is
cleverly laid out to contain –– in the main ––
only parts needed for specifi c sub-assemblies.
This makes tracking of parts relatively
straightforward, but there is a caveat: some
of the runners look the same, but are lettered
differently, the parts on each one therefore
have the same number, but different prefi x,
G32 and H32 for instance. This needs a
degree of concentration, but simplifi cations
are also in place, the numbered fl ap actuators
for instance being further identifi ed with
codes moulded onto each part, so even once
removed from their numbered tabs, they

Kit No: A19004

Tamiya Masking Tape

Tamiya Acrylics

XF-3 Yellow

XF-2 Flat White
XF-3 Flat Yellow

Construction began with the clean-up of some of the
larger components such as this engine shield.

With some of the larger items dealt
with, work could begin on the cockpit
interior, beginning with the seat and
these plastic seat straps.

The interior walls are superbly detailed. In
order to simplify painting I glued the larger
details in place ready to be airbrushed with an
Interior Green colour.

The port cockpit wall is similarly well-detailed.
Ejector pin marks visible in this shot are all but
invisible within the completed cockpit.

Though looking simple, the cockpit fl oor is a
complex sub-assembly that features a large
number of individual components such as
frames and perforated structural members.
This part of construction is a pleasant pointer
to the complexity of the rest of the kit...

Before beginning painting, the larger cockpit
components were test-fi t to see if any further
adjustment would be needed. As none was,
painting could begin.

cannot be mixed up.
Examination of the plastic parts reveals
detail that is both supremely impressive, as
well as being reassuringly comprehensive.
Let’s begin with the airframe...
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