Model Airplane International – September 2019

(Marcin) #1


straps. Initially, I had planned to replace the
straps with aftermarket parts, but instead
chose to use what was offered, painting them
as if I were painting a fi gure. Now that they are
done, I have to say that I love the completed
picture, feeling that the straps are a real
highlight of the cockpit, especially once fi xed in
place over the seat’s parachute.

Moving On...
Having dealt with the cockpit, the instructions
turn to the wings, so that’s where we’ll head
next. The kit offers you two major set-up
options (three if you include the retracted
undercarriage and the use of a separately
available display stand): wings out, or wings
retracted. You can then decide on the small
features such as dropped fl aps and the
aforementioned undercarriage. Whatever
you chose to build, you are in for a lot of

The competed cockpit, test-fi t once more against side of
the starboard fuselage half. The inner walls of the cockpit
were painted to match the fl oor and rear bulkhead,
splashes of primary colours helping to break up the fi nish
and draw the eye to the fi ner details.

We discussed the core of the engine within the introductory text. Here it is built
and painted, the metal areas with Tamiya AS-12 Bare Metal Silver and the grey
with Tamiya Light Grey. Details were picked out with a carefully applied oil paint
wash, fi ner details being picked out with GW acrylics.

The two banks of cylinders were carefully assembled (they are
moulded in two halves that need to be carefully lined up) and then
basecoated with Gunze Sangyo Super Metallic Superfi ne Silver,
darkened with a little Super Metallic Iron. Once dry, some shading
was added at the base of the cylinder with a thin layer of Iron and
then the part washed with a mixture of Raw Umber and Black oils.
The fi ns were then drybrushed with GW Runefang Steel to bring
out the detail.

The two banks of cylinders painted and weathered along with
the curved push-rod insert. The push rods were fi rst airbrushed
in Superfi ne Silver and then each one picked out with GW Black,
thinned with Tamiya X-20A thinners. Dark grey was then brushed on
in fi ne lines to create the illusion of turned metal components.

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