Scale Military Modeller International – September 2019

(Romina) #1

appearance. I then used Ammo by MIG Gun
Metal pigments with a cotton bud to rub
the raised areas of the tracks to give them a
metallic appearance. Next, I gave the entire
kit an all over coat of Ammo by MIG Dark
Brown for Green Vehicles Wash, diluted with
thinner so that it settled in the texture made
by the previously applied glue. I then used
Streaking Efects product as a pin-
wash around raised features.
I then used an Ammo by
MIG Buf Oilbrusher to
create some streaking
efects on the turret
sides. This was dotted
on, then a broad head
brush damp with
thinners to was used to
pull the product down
the sides. I then used the
Ammo by MIG Kursk Soil
Splash to create splashes on the
sides of the hull behind the wheels, as
well as the front and rear sides of the
hull. I applied this by loading
a long bristle brush, and
with the product held

about an inch from the model,
I applied short blasts from my
airbrush for a wonderfully
realistic appearance. At this
point, I itted the tracks onto the
road wheels, and to achieve the
characteristic sagging appearance,
I dripped some thin superglue onto
the tops of the road wheels then stufed
rolled card between the fender and the
tracks whilst the glue dried. I then used

a broad lathead brush to apply
a mix of Ammo by MIG Wet and
Wet Efects onto the tracks,
the hull front and to the rear.
I applied this generously to
resemble clumped wet mud.
In order to add a sort of ‘rustic
appearance’ I cut out some scale
leaves using ‘Green Stuf Worlds’ cutter
using actual dried leaves. I applied these
randomly onto areas on the tank and tracks
as well as pieces of forest loor that
I had crushed to make a more
suitable size!


soviet kv-1b
The Red Army’s Hammer
Free download pdf