Chevy High Performance – November 2019

(Dana P.) #1


14 | This is the
second coat going
on. It is crucial to
be patient with
each coat. Ideally,
you will lay down
three to four coats.
This means two or
three light coats
and a final “wet”
coat where the
finish looks shiny
while wet.

15 | This is the final basecoat finish, which to the
first-time painter can look disappointing because
it is dull. It is supposed to be dull, which promotes
good clearcoat adhesion.

16 | Our Nova is fully clad in Axalta Chromabase.
We’re ready for the clearcoat, which must be applied
within 24 hours of the basecoat for a good bond.

17 | After a thorough wipe down with a tack
cloth and compressed air, it’s time to spray on the
clearcoat. Clearcoat, like the basecoat, is applied
modestly for the first coat, then a “wet” final coat
without overdoing it. You don’t want runs in the

18 | The second coat of clear is applied here as
shown. We’re laying it on “wet” without overdoing
it. Nice even passes are applied without stopping. If
you stop at any one point you can expect runs. Two
clearcoat passes are suggested.

19 | Check it out. The doors have been hung and are already adjusted. The hood is left to go. This demonstrates what you can do with tenacity and patience. Joel
Rode is not a body man, yet he has shown us what you can achieve if you take your time, work out the kinks, and follow Axalta’s instructions.

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