The Gardener South Africa – September 2019

(Brent) #1

Calla lilies are indoor dwarf Zantedeschia that, unlike the white- or yellow-flowering outdoor varieties, come in
a huge range of colours. The hybridised plants are much smaller, with a single bulb producing multiple leaves and
trumpet-shaped flowers. Newer varieties have shaded leaves that echo the colour of the flowers. Plants grows happily
indoors with the right light and moisture conditions. Plants can also be grown outdoors once the initial flowers are
over, in fertile, moist soil in semi-shade, or in a container.

Requirements: Bright light indoors and even early morning sun, but no direct midday sun. Normal room humidity is
acceptable, or outdoors on a sheltered terrace or balcony. These plants don’t like wet feet and should only be watered
when the soil surface is slightly dry. Remove old leaves and spent flowers to encourage new growth.

Long-term care: Add liquid fertiliser to the water about every two weeks during spring and summer. Be careful
of overwatering, and if the plants are slow to flower they may need more light. Reduce watering in winter and don’t
fertilise. Plants don’t mind being repotted. To do so, dig the plant out of the soil, including the entire bulb, and replant
the bulb at least 9cm deep in the soil with the shoots pointing up. Cover, and water. Wait until new growth is evident
before watering again.

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