The Gardener South Africa – September 2019

(Brent) #1

Getting the best from


O Plant en masse. Bedding impatiens are
designed to make a show, so the more
plants the better.
O They do best in semi-shade such as
morning sun with afternoon shade or
dappled sun. The shadier the bed, the
less they flower and the more they will
stretch towards the light.
O Plant in fertile, well-composted soil
that drains well.
O Space plants 15 – 20cm apart.
O Water regularly. Impatiens like
consistently moist but not soggy soil.
The more sunshine the plants get, the
more water they need.
O After planting, feed with a liquid
fertiliser and thereafter once a month.
Use a liquid fertiliser for flowers, but
not a nitrogen-rich one, which would
produce soft, sappy growth and more
leaves than flowers.

Impatiens walleriana
‘Beacon’ White
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