The Gardener South Africa – September 2019

(Brent) #1 I 67

Lemon balm has a bright and
citrusy taste, like lemon but with a
hint of mint or lemon grass. Its flavour
is sweet but strong.
To grow: Plant in full sun to partial
shade. It doesn’t mind poor garden
soil if the drainage is good. Water
regularly during hot days. Fertilising
with an organic fertiliser will supply all the needed
elements for optimum growth as it is a heavy feeder
and can quickly show deficiencies, making the plant
more susceptible to diseases. Harvest lemon balm in
the afternoon, when its essential oils are strongest.

Sweet basil has a spicy aroma with a sweet
clove-like taste.
To g r ow : This summer annual does best with morning
sun and afternoon shade. Water regularly and fertilise
monthly with a liquid fertiliser to promote lush leaves.
Remove the flowering tops otherwise the plant will
go to seed. Basil also grows well in pots. Plant basil
next to tomatoes; it keeps pests away and enhances
the flavour of the fruit.

Herbs for fish


Dill has a slightly lemony, sweet flavour with a hint
of bitterness.
To grow: This summer annual needs full sun, fertile
soil that drains well, and shelter from wind. It grows
1m high. Don’t let the plant dry out on very hot days
as it will run to seed very quickly. Fresh leaves have far
more flavour than dried leaves. For people on a salt-
free diet, dill can act as a salt substitute because it is
rich in mineral salts.

Fennel has a sweet, anise-like flavour that does
not overwhelm but adds a light, spring-like quality to
the food it flavours.
To grow: This perennial herb has feathery foliage
and large, striking flowers that attract butterflies
and beneficial insect predators. It does best in well-
drained soil and will thrive in full sun or morning sun.
It can grow up to 2m tall. Cut back when the leaves
start to fade and the plants will shoot up again.

French tarragon has a very distinctive
bittersweet flavour, with a clear anise aftertaste that is
stronger than that of dill or fennel and should be used
To grow: It needs full sun and likes moist but not
waterlogged soil. Its aromatic foliage repels insects.
When grown next to other crops, especially brinjals,
it enhances their growth and flavour. It dies down in
winter but should be left in place as it sprouts again
in spring. Plants grow 40cm high and wide.



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