The Gardener South Africa – September 2019

(Brent) #1

Get down and dirty with direct sowing
to create a meadow or bed filled with the
controlled chaos of pretty flowers to wander
through, to pick and to enjoy. All you have to
do is to prepare the soil well with compost
and bonemeal, and to follow the instructions
on the back of seed packets for each type
of seed. The soil should never dry out after
sowing. If necessary, give a light sprinkling
of water twice a day. As soon as germination
is completed and the first true leaves show,
you can give less water. Sowing in September
should include cornflowers, godetias (satin
flower), cleomes (spider flowers), sunflowers,
love-in-a-mist and zinnias.

Sow a merry




Zinnia ‘Double Red’

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