Saturday Magazine – August 24, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


Words by: Katherine Hassell




Peaky Blinders and Downton Abbey star

Kate Phillips PLUS delicious vegan treats

AND laidback looks for the weekend Free with the

What have you been
watching recently?
Chernobyl was great, with
excellent performances from
all, especially Jared Harris.
Do you binge watch?
Definitely. The last thing I binged on was
Line of Duty. Adrian Dunbar is great. And I’ve
recently caught up on Parks and Recreation.
Any retro favourites?
I watch Friends endlessly with the kids, and
I’m a fan of Seinfeld.
Where do you watch TV?
In my living room. It’s a small room with a lot
of furniture pointing at the telly.
You’ve been playing rural detective
John Barnaby since 2011. Do you ever
dream about moving to the country?
I do. I’d like some chickens and goats and an

orchard and a stream and
woods. I’d like all that, but
a) how would you afford it, and
b) would I want to live in the
country? I’m from Doncaster,
then Bristol, then London. I may
be too much of a town mouse now.
Do you like outdoor pursuits?
I hate camping! It’s impossible. You can’t
sleep in a tent laying in a hole. So no.
Who would you swap places with for
24 hours?
Somebody musical. Either somebody who
does gigs or who is in a great musical.
What did you want to be when you
were little?
A footballer. My walls were plastered with
footballers of the late 1960s, like Bobby
Charlton. I supported Doncaster Rovers.

What’s the most romantic thing
anyone’s ever done for you?
Given me children – an outstandingly
romantic thing to do for a person, isn’t it?
Do you get any bizarre fan mail –
requests for toenails or the like?
I don’t think I’ve had requests for toenails. A
large proportion of fan mail is from Germany
and a number of those write in German, so
what they’re saying, I have no idea. They may
be asking me for toenails.
You need to go to night school...
Funny you should say that. For Christmas, I
got a Teach Yourself German book. I might
get a surprise when I finally read the fan mail!

Bank Holiday Mon 8.30pm ITV

‘I watch

endlessly with

the kids, and
I’m a fan of


Neil Dudgeon

Actor Neil Dudgeon, 58, is best known as DCI John Barnaby in the
detective drama Midsomer Murders, which is back for another
episode on Monday. He’s also starred in Common as Muck,
Messiah and Life of Riley. Neil lives in London with
his wife, radio producer/director Mary
Peate, and their children, Joe,
15, and Greta, 13
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