Saturday Magazine – August 24, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Words by: Kirsty Nutkins

‘Paul is so
direct... he

could give a

on how not

to blink!’

PAUL’S PUT-DOWNS Known as Mr Nasty, Paul Hollywood is famous for his blunt
comments in the Bake Off tent. We’ve selected a few of his best...

‘It looks like a rough
plasterer’s job’

Paul didn’t hold back
when assessing the
quality of kitchen fitter
and carpenter Mark
Onley’s workmanship
in series four,
declaring his first bake
(a sandwich cake) a
complete disaster.

‘It’s like
Mr Hollywood
was appalled by
2015 baker Ian
simple sponge,
which apparently
went too heavy
on the coconut.

‘You’re great with
your flavours a lot
of the time, but
when you fail, you
catastrophically fail’
It seems even Paul’s
compliments are
back-handed, as
shown by these words
to series-seven entrant
Tom Gilliford.

‘It is just like a pair
of incontinence
Briony Williams’
‘perfectly glazed torta
setteveli’ fell far short of
Paul’s expectations in
last year’s semi-finals.
The Bake Off judge
was blasted on Twitter
for his comment.

‘You can’t put that in a shop
window, it’s not finished’
Poor Rahul Mandal felt Paul’s
wrath during ‘unglazed fruit-
gate’. Paul took issue with the
fact that he hadn’t ‘bothered’ to
glaze the fruit on his French
tartlet: ‘It would have taken you
a minute, if that! And after five
hours, you couldn’t do it.’ Rahul
went on to win the 2018 series.




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