Equus – August 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

26 EqUUS 498

Horses are helping to train
the next generation of medi-
cal doctors—but not in the
ways you might think. Instead
of serving as models for com-
parative physiology or sub-
jects for the practice surger-
ies, they are being used to
teach medical students how
to cope with ambiguity.
Since 2014, students at
the Warren Alpert Medical
School of Brown University in
Rhode Island have been given
the option of participating in
a three-and-a-half hour work-
shop that uses horses to
illustrate the real-world
uncertainties that can make
diagnosis difficult.
“Tolerance of ambiguity
is important in clinical prac-
tice because medical edu-
cation often trains students
to think in black-and-white
with definitive answers on
tests and other schoolwork,”
says Daniel S. Jamorabo,
MD, a gastroenterologist who
helped develop the program.
“Yet trainees have to be able
to understand the nuances of
a patient’s symptoms, labs,
imaging, etc., to build a differ-
ential diagnosis.”
Medical schools have
long sought better ways to
prepare students for these
uncertainties. A chance meet-
ing between Kevin Liou, MD,

and Connie Crawford, a pro-
fessor at Brown University’s
theater department, led to an
inspired solution. “We met
at a lecture on improvisation
in the medical field,” says
Crawford, an avid equestrian
who often uses horses when
teaching her classes on act-
ing. “I told him of the work I
do with horses and our ad-
venture began.”
In the workshops, medi-
cal students travel to a local
boarding farm and are intro-
duced to horses by Crawford
and trainer Alyshia Gaw.
“Horses are foreign to most
of the students, thereby offer-
ing greater areas of ambiguity
and concern,” says Crawford.
“They are large and easier
to read than smaller animals
and they are more coopera-
tive than other animals.”
Under Crawford’s and
Gaw’s guidance, the medi-
cal students participate in
two group activities. In the
first, they observe and inter-
act with the horses to make
a “diagnosis” that captures
the horse’s personality. In
the second activity, they try
to persuade the horse to
take three steps forward and
backward and to lower his
head. Although the program
uses school horses who are
accustomed to handling, the

students find the tasks chal-
lenging, says Crawford. “We
examine the process as it
is happening. Students are
given many opportunities to
discuss and then practice
ways of communicating and
coping with any frustrations
that arise.
“I believe that horses of-
fer an excellent analogy for
human patients,” continues
Crawford. “The horse models
a patient who does not speak
our language, is from a differ-
ent culture and is in a stress-
ful situation. When a medi-
cal student unfamiliar with
horses interacts in a foreign
setting with foreign beings,
their own self-preservation
heightens. Two beings with
strong self-preservation offer
wonderful complications of
communication. Working with
students to be mindful and
compassionately aware while
dealing with new situations
that could be dangerous de-
velops their confidence.”
To test the efficacy of the
program, the school organ-
ized a session in which the
students complet-
ed Budner’s
Tolerance of
Scale before
and after the
training. This

scale is a validated method of
assessing change in ambigu-
ity tolerance among medical
trainees by measuring their
reactions to various state-
ments. The data showed that
all the participants had a
lower post-workshop score,
indicating a greater toler-
ance of ambiguity, but this
difference was statistically
significant only among first-
year students. This, say the
educators, was likely due to
the larger sample of first-year
students but may also reflect
greater flexibility during ear-
lier years of medical training.
Although it may not al-
ways be feasible, Crawford
believes other medical stu-
dents could benefit from sim-
ilar programs. “Personally, I
believe that horse work is ex-
tremely valuable,” she says.
“I would like to see more
in-depth practice offered to
medical students who want
to work directly with patients.
The skills honed are pro-
foundly valuable to improving
patient outcome.”


Reference: “Foreign bodies: Is it feasible to develop tolerance for ambiguity
among medical students through equine-facilitated learning?” Medical
Teacher, March 2019

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