Essential iPhone & iPad Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

Meet Nancy, Apple’s recycling robot. She recycles broken
and out-of-date iPhones returned to Best Buy in the US
and KPN in the Netherlands, and can process around 200
phones per hour. Once materials have been recovered
from Daisy, they are recycled back into the manufacturing
process and used to make new Apple devices.
You can build your own robot with a Raspberry Pi.
Nothing as impressive as Nancy, of course, but it’s still
great fun. If you want to learn how to code for the
Raspberry Pi single-board computer, using your Mac,
check out our cover feature on Page 16.
If you're upgrading your
iPhone, or almost any
apple product, there
is a recyling scheme
that gives you money
off your next device.
You can do this via the
website to see how
much you'll get as part
of the ordering process.

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