Essential iPhone & iPad Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1
Professor Lupo
and his Horrible Pets
Traverse the narrow corridors of huge spacecraft, pursed by unfriendly alien lifeforms who
haven't had their dinner, in this new puzzle game for the Mac.
BeautiFun Games
£14.99, $14.99
Snow Leopard or later
tory-driven puzzle games have always felt an
uneasy pairing. By definition, the puzzle genre
was devised as a quick-stop gaming fix rather
than a sprawling narrative-driven adventure. This is
why Nintendo sold a trillion GameBoys/Tetris packs
back in the back in the dark ages.
BeautiFun Games' rather misleadingly titled
Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets takes a fun
and engaging maze-based puzzle and dilutes the
experience with an under-developed plot and a
questionable art style. The narrative, which attempts
to build upon the learn the patterns, avoid/use the
hazards and get-the-exit gameplay, falls almost entirely
flat from the start. Our lead is so dull he isn't even given
a name; it isn’t the titular professor, which is a little odd?
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Bonus objectives and
boss battles

  • Underwhelming lead

  • Divisive style & cut scenes
    An enjoyable story-driven
    puzzle game that fails to
    strike a balance between the
    narrative and the gameplay.
    RATING: 3/5
    This lack of excitement is reflective of the remaining
    cast, who also fail to spark the interest, combining to
    render the narrative even less engaging or actually
    necessary. The creatures or horrible pets of the title
    fair somewhat better, albeit any impact is lost due to
    the strange and ill-fitting art style that embodies them.
    A style which feels inspired by the point-and-click
    adventures of Professor Layton. Maybe someone in the
    design department misread the outline?
    Fortunately, the core gameplay and control system
    are far more positively defined, and are the key reason
    to play. With over 100 levels to explore, boss battles
    and a bonus challenge per stage playability and
    lifespan save the day. Thank goodness you can skip
    the cut scenes! JG
    As the forces of three mighty landmasses meet on the battlefield, do you have the strategy, the
    tactics, and the economic talent to take your armies to victory?
    his independent, real-time
    strategy opus is set in an
    alternate Middle Ages
    where three mighty powers vie
    for supremacy. Playing as Europe,
    China, or the Middle East, you must
    build cities, recruit new troops, and
    fight large-scale wars with your
    Technology is of paramount
    importance. As artillery comes to the
    fore, superior numbers alone can
    no longer guarantee victory. One
    thing that’s always been true in war
    is the importance of engineers, and
    so it proves here as they build your
    defences and dig tunnels through
    which you can transport soldiers.
    As you might expect, each army
    has unique abilities not available
    to the others. European troops can
    form a phalanx, build a wall of stakes,
    invoke the Crusaders, and build
    gunpowder artillery. The Chinese
    can create smoke screens, provoke
    support for Mongolian horsemen, and
    have early rocket artillery. The Middle
    East has war elephants, chariots with
    incendiary oils, engineers who can
    build underground tunnels and more.
    If you like an in-depth real-time
    war game, this should keep you
    happy until the next Total War game
    is released, though the user interface
    could do with some polish and the
    graphics are only average. BC
    OneOcean LLC
    £11.39, $14.99, 14,99 €
    Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or
    later, 64-bit processor

  • Very in-depth

  • Some good ideas

  • Useful tutorials

  • Graphics only average
    Not the best strategy war
    game on the Mac, but far
    from the worst. A decent,
    if derivative, offering that
    will please those who like
    in-depth video games.
    RATING: 3/5

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