Essential iPhone & iPad Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

There are a few settings and
preferences you can change on your
child’s Facebook Messenger app, in order to
keep them a little safer online. Open their
app and tap their profile pic.
On the next page, under Preferences,
tap People then tap Blocked. You see
a list of everyone who’s blocked by your
child on Facebook Messenger, assuming
they’ve already blocked someone.
Tap Add Someone, and then you can
block them on both Facebook and/or
Messenger, right there from the Messenger app.
just the thing if someone online is proving a
bad influence on your child.
Tap the Active Status option, and you
can switch this feature on and off. If
you don’t want everyone to know when your
child is online with Facebook and Messenger,
keep it turned off.
Another preference option you might
want to check is Story. This sets who
can see a Story uploaded by your child. If
you’re concerned too many people can see
it, customise the settings.
Messenger Kids.
Facebook has developed a
messenger app just for children,
with the emphasis on online safety.
It’s only available in the USA at
the moment, but maybe they’ll
release it in other territories soon.
For more information, see http://www.

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