Essential iPhone & iPad Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

James Gale
Managing Editor
A Movie Nostalgia Eraser app! Point your
iPhone’s camera at a Blu-Ray/DVD box and
get a rose-tinted review! Yes, I did buy Krull!
Ian Osborne
As a kid, I wanted to program a game called Face
Invaders on my ZX81, where you shot at zits. I
never did; perhaps it’s just as well.
Martin Smith
Group Senior Designer
I cycle often, and have a lot of bikes. I'd build
an app to log info about them; manufacturers'
specs and any upgrades I've made.
Bob Canning
Staff Writer
How about a game that could start a
thermonuclear war? I’d program a noughts and
crosses sim to save the world too.
Alison Drew
Sub Editor
I ‘d love an app to convert the nutritional
information on food packaging to the traffic
light system, to see how healthy it is.
David Hayward
My most recent coding success is a Python-based
Lottery predictor. So far it's managed to win me
£200, and I’ve been close to the jackpot.
Alyssa Falcon
Staff Writer
I love Internet Relay Chat (IRC), but no modern
client is as good as the now-defunct IRCle, so
I’d bring it right up to date.
Karl Linstead
Production Manager
If I could master coding, I would hack my iPhone
and create a feature for swapping between
multiple user accounts, like on macOS.
Team players//
Have you ever wanted to code an app for your iPhone, iPad or
Mac? In this issue we bring you a guide to getting started with
programming, but if you were already au fait with coding, but
what should you make?

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